Governing Body
Welcome from the Chair of Governors
The local governing body (LGB) at Helena Romanes School has responsibility for overseeing the strategic direction of the school and ensuring that the school’s objectives are met. We work closely with the Executive Headteacher and her team to support them in ensuring the school achieves high standards, providing high quality education for pupils and supporting their well-being.
The Governing Body is accountable to the Saffron Academy Trust board, undertaking the following key tasks:
- Helping to formulate the school’s strategy
- Acting as a critical friend to the school
- Holding the school to account for the educational standards it achieves and the quality of education it provides.
We work as a collaborative body and make decisions as a group. We have two main sub-committees, Resources & Staffing and Standards & Education, both of which are chaired by members of the governing body.
Governors undertake link roles to subject areas and take responsibility for monitoring aspects of the school’s work. Governors maintain a regular dialogue with senior staff to keep in touch with the everyday activities of the school.
We collect diversity data for our LGB. However, we do not publish this data online as individual governors could be identified and we have a legal obligation to protect their personal details.
Please follow the link to the NGA for further details:
Graham Oxborrow
Chair, HRS Local Governing Body
Contact with the governors may be made via our Clerk, Penny Callingham
Mrs P Callingham
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