Year Group information
Find out more about your journey through Secondary school at Helena Romanes.
Year 7
Following the transition work with our feeder primary schools in the summer term of Year 6, we look forward to welcoming our new Year 7s in September. You will have the opportunity to explore the site before the other year groups arrive and spend time getting to know your form tutor and Head of Year.
During class time you will explore some new subjects as well as continue to study lots of the subjects you have spent time working on in Primary school.
Outside the classroom you will have the opportunity to demonstrate your leadership skills by becoming a Year 7 ambassador. You may end up working with the younger students in our primary school, organising charity events or contributing to our termly Year 7 newsletter which is sent to both your parents and your old primary schools to show them everything you've been doing at HRS. Another way you can be involved from a leadership perspective is by helping out at our school Open Evening, talking to prospective Year 7s and their parents and telling them all about our school.
You will continue your work on reading by participating in the form time tutor reads, by the end of Year 7 you will have read three books with your tutor. There will also be plenty of opportunities to take part in lots of extra-curricular clubs including: Drama, Sports, Music, Art, War Hammer, Computing, Science and a host of other options.
Throughout the year you will be able to collect reward points for reasons such as brilliant class or homework, demonstrating our school values, putting in lots of effort or making greet progress. At the end of the year there are rewards trips to celebrate all the great contributions Year 7 have made to our school community, Some of you may also be invited to our Awards Evening in the last half term of the year where we celebrate excellence in not only curriculum subjects, but also our school values.
Year 8
Year 8 continues the leadership opportunities for our students. They support as Duty Pupils, they can become Form or Year Representatives who participate in student voice activities as well as undertaking the role of form buddies for our new Year 7 students We maintain the tutor reads in Year 8 so the students will read another three novels with their form tutor. This complements the reading and vocabulary work happening across all subjects in the school. The same wide range of extracurricular clubs are available as the previous year and we encourage as many students as possible to join, whether that's to follow a well established passion or try something new. Year 8 is the first time that students have some choice in their next educational steps. With parents evening, options evening and the options booklet, students and parents are supported to make four option choices for study in Year 9. We offer a wide range of both GCSE and vocational subjects and any students with SEND support are offered further advice and guidance from the Extended Learning team. Throughout the year students can collect reward points for great effort or progress, brilliant classwork or homework and also demonstrating our school values. The end of the academic year culminates in rewards trips to celebrate the hard work and dedication of our Year 8 students throughout the year. As well as some students being recognised in the end of year awards ceremony. |
Year 9
Year 9 signifies the first time that students may study different subjects from others in the year. Although students do not start the Key Stage 4 content in these subjects, Year 9 acts as a foundation year preparing them for Key Stage 4 study, building on the National Curriculum content of subjects and exploring foundation topics needed for success at Key Stage 4. In addition to all the usual extra-curricular activities, the Duke of Edinburgh Award Scheme Bronze level is offered to students in Year 9 which starts them off on their Duke of Edinburgh journey. This fantastic award is available to all students and we would encourage as many as possible to participate. Another leadership opportunity for Year 9 is to become peer mentors with students in Year 7 and 8, supporting them at the beginning of their HRS journey. Students can continue to collect reward points for brilliant classwork or homework, effort and progress. They will be given the opportunity to participate in reward trips at the end of the year and some students will be invited to the end of year subjects award ceremony. |
Year 10
Year 10 signals the beginning of the GCSE years. Students will study their option subjects alongside the core disciplines of Maths, English Language, English Literature, Science, Citizenship and PSHE. Academically, the year culminates in Year 10 mock exams which take place in classrooms as well as the exam hall to give students the opportunity to experience being in this environment.
As students embark on their first year of GCSEs there are plenty of leadership options available to complement their classroom studies.
Students can apply to become prefects through an application process. If successful, students will represent the school across a wide variety of events and occasions as well as having a voice in day to day school issues.
The Duke of Edinburgh Silver Award scheme begins as well as a plethora of extra-curricular clubs activities and visits.
Students can continue to collect reward points for brilliant classwork or homework, effort and progress. They will be given the opportunity to participate in reward trips at the end of the year and some students will be invited to the end of year subjects award ceremony.
Year 11
Year 11 is the final year of the secondary phase at HRS.
Time is spent preparing for post 16 options and students are well-supported to make the best choice for them as an individual. All students, during their time at HRS will have access to a one to one careers interview with an external, independent careers advisor, For those that need more support, further appointments will be made available. Assemblies and form times will be used to invite in visitors from other local post 16 providers to help students to make an informed decision about their next step. Time will be taken during PSHE lessons to support Sixth Form and college applications as well as looking at how to write an effective personal statement and CV.
There are two sets of mock exams in Year 11, normally in November and February. These give students the chance to practice being in the exam hall and also writing full papers in timed conditions. Students and parents are provided with a list of subjects and topics that will be covered to allow for focussed revision.
From a leadership perspective, students can apply to be Head Students and part of the Student Leadership Team. The process is overseen by the Head of Year 11 and, once chosen, the Student Leadership Team will be involved in many aspects of school life: they'll speak to parents at our open events, get involved in charity programmes, work with staff to improve the community and represent HRS at other events outside of school. This is a truly prestigious accolade and all members of the Student Leadership Team are chosen because they consistently demonstrate our school values.
The Summer term of Year 11 is a busy one, students sit their GCSE exams usually between May and June (although some vocational subjects are earlier) and to celebrate all of their hard work and dedication to their studies the End of Year Prom is held. Students can get involved in the organisation of the prom and events throughout the year, such as 'Formal Fridays' help raise money for the cause.