Examination Results

The results below are from Summer 2024. Our Year 11s and 13s really rose to the challenge and achieved an excellent set of exam results, enabling the vast majority of students to guarantee their first choice of sixth form, college, university, apprenticeship or training. 

Key Stage 4

Progress 8 score -0.37
Attainment 8 score 4.2
Grade 5+ in English & Maths 35%
Grade 4+ in English & Maths 65%
EBacc: % of Cohort Entered 37.4%
EBacc: %achieved (at grade 5+) 13%
EBacc: Average point score 3.7

Key Stage 5

A- Level  
A*-A 9%
A*-B 34%
A*-C 61%
A*-E 96%


Vocational Qualifications  
D*-D/D*D*-DD 20.6%
D*-M/D*D*-MM 61.7%
D*-P/D*D*-PP 97.1%